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Thursday, October 19, 2017

Loving Vincent - the movie

I went to see the full feature length animated painted movie of Loving Vincent yesterday afternoon. I was not sure what to expect when I saw it was listed as a murder mystery, but actually the film correlated with what I know about Vincent Van Gogh. The latest information surrounding his untimely death and the facts not lending themselves to suicide. I read many books on Vincent in my younger days, including reading all his letters available to his brother Theo. I was very happy to learn of the buried and closed information coming to light in the past few years verifying what I had already come to believe. That he did not kill himself.

But on to the movie. I have an artist friend who lives here in Colorado and she applied for and was taken on as one of the 100 artists from around the world to work on this labor of love. Since I had talked to her about this project, I knew how much work went into it and how all the paintings were accomplished. What is not common knowledge is how each and every artist had to give up their own style and try to meld with Vincent's style. It becomes obvious in certain parts of the film the different 'hands' working on the scenes, but probably because I was looking for it. Some accomplished this transition better than others. And then again, after days and weeks and months as painting as someone else, one must go back to one's own easel and their own style. It is not easy. So I admire all those artists from around the world who gave much to be a part of this effort.

I did enjoy the film and the story. I recommend it for many reasons. It is the first of its kind and due to what it took to do may not be done again. The imagination that went into animating paintings of a single scene was incredible and believable. The movie brought out the love and attention to detail of Vincent and his work.

Do go and see it if you have the chance. Loving Vincent We need to support films of such quality and vision.

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