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Thursday, May 24, 2018

An Aha! Moment

Last week I read a daily essay/meditation that comes to my inbox. Last week's theme was on art and creativity. Each day had it's own thought on that subject, but Friday's theme was what caught my attention. The title was "Unconsciousness Awareness."  It resonated with me because I had shared some photos of some paintings I was working on with some friends in a social situation. I have been very excited by my new work after spending 2 weeks in Greece and had three paintings I was working on from that trip. Someone in the group really liked one of the paintings in its very early stages and asked me what it would cost when finished. He asked about it again the next week. In that intervening week I had not put a brush stroke to its surface. I had not even looked at it. I attributed this hiatus to being on another house project and no time for painting, yet I was working on other paintings, so that could not be the answer. After reading this article, I realized that I had lost my intuitive or 'unconscious' approach because now I was "afraid" of ruining it! Has anyone else had that happen to them? I think it has happened before to me, because I have found it odd when what seems to be "all of a sudden" I lose my mojo.

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