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Thursday, March 9, 2023

White Phalaenopsis

block in
White Phil, 24x12, oil, available

Here is a painting I did recently. I am not convinced it is finished, but I was done. It has been awhile since I painted an orchid from life and with 4 orchids in bloom right now I went with the one that was most advanced in its bloom. It took me longer than I care to admit, working on it over days, trying for the same time of day, which isn't always that easy.

In the block in I was thinking I would add an abstracted version of the desk that is the background of this none set up. I literally just brought the orchid and set it on the computer table I have next to my easel. I then decided I didn't like the idea of the desk but I kept the dark band across the white orchids for contrast. as well as the color of the wall behind the desk. The only color I made up is the golden color in the middle. That would be very dark as well otherwise. I have a gold screen I often use as a simple backdrop for these impromptu still life set ups so that is, I am sure, why I picked that color.

An artist friend of mine was over the other day and I asked her opinion on whether this needed any more work and she said 'no.' I signed it and am posting it 'as is'. I am trying hard to not keep 'fine tuning' it as is my won't.

A better photo added later: 

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