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Sunday, November 29, 2009

High Wide and Lonesome moving on

I finally am ready to send this painting in to the juried show, Paint America. Since they only accept 100 paintings into this show, the probability of being accepted is not high, but if I don't try, the answer is surely no. It has been widely exclaimed over by those who have seen it. I have taken it in twice to be critiqued and thus, reworked. I am ready to see the end of it for awhile at this point and I will have just made the deadline for posting in the mail.
The last critique had me lightening and simplifying the road, again.


Aloha Sistah said...

Good luck! I haven't seen the actual work, just the photos you've posted and I think it resonates with those of us who have driven the open roads of the western U.S. And what is the open road but a metaphor for life? Didn't The Beatles make a fortune on "The Long and Winding Road?"

victoriasart said...

I had to add this comment that I got on Facebook: I commented on your painting, "High, Wide, and Lonesome!" I loved the name and you responded with information - I just love this painting for so MANY reasons... the color, the subject, the composition and of course the name. As a teenager our family drove from upstate New York (where our “roots” were) to find a new home in Washington State (Olympia). Fortunately I have very "adventuresome" parents and we drove cross country! One of our favorite stops along the “trail” was in Wyoming. We visited the cabin of the Hole in the Wall Gang, went white water rafting, horseback riding, and stayed in a beautiful lodge! I fell in love with Wyoming……. Later when I went to college (Ellensburg, Washington) it reminded me in many ways of Wyoming…. Long flat plains with rolling hills, sage brush, and cowboys! Ellensburg had a college (Central Washington University) and a rodeo….. it was an exciting time.

So your painting reminds me of SO MANY wonderful memories…….. will you be selling prints at all? If so, let me know I’d love to purchase one.

The Best,
(Now living in Springfield, IL!)