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Saturday, February 28, 2009

Last week of February-class etc

I did not go to class Monday night; I was just not feeling well. I did go Thursday for a few hours with my sketch book only, but I just could not get the head to read right, so I did a nice set of lips and just the lips with the edge of the nose coming from the eye ridge and that actually looks like the model! Today's notes will only be on the lecture. Mark emphasized that on Monday nights we are to do some free exploration of the parts we want to paint through drawing; ie, draw the eye; or do a study of the ear, getting to know the subject before trying to paint it for no more than an hour. Tath if we do this, when we start to paint, we will have a handle on those parts and the painting will come much easier. And then on canvas to focus on the 6 basic elements and getting those down on canvas.Those 6 elements are the skin color in the light, shadow and reflective light; and the color/value of the background light and shadow; and the cast shadow. the challenge is to put something together that is lively with these few elements; Sounds easy enough...

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